Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Fit through the gym

Ay! Ay! Here I come..

You all there? Sorry for being disappear lately. An update from me; new goal is in the house! Yaaayy!! What goal? What goal? Being fit while body shaping like a devil lady. Lol!

I always love a Latin quotation "Mens sana in corpore sano;" a sound mind in a sound body; di dalam tubuh yang kuat terdapat jiwa yang sehat. A motivation to be balance, body and mind. I'm having tons of ways to feeding my mind, but my body? I'm feeding it too, literally. Lol! Sites and books for health always explain that basically, to have a healthy body, we have to eat right, drink enough water, rest well and do some exercise. I'm done with the three one, but not with the last mentioned. It's kinda hard to remember when was the last time I work out.

But if, walking categorized as a sport, then I do my sport since this seven months. To be total, I walk for about thirty minutes a day, on a medium track. I said medium because the altitude is kinda extreme. Sometimes I found the track is easy to make, but often time, I lose my breath while walking. Fyuuuhh.. At the same time, my baby is complaining about how often I being sick. Ya, ya, I do complaining about my body, "I feel pain here, there, now here again, and there again, and so on, and so on." And he's sick of that! Lol!

Sakti, a friend of mine, invited me several times to swim on a gym where he is a member. Being a member for more than a year, he can bring a friend there on week-end. And there was I, in a non-crowded swimming pool with people who were doing their sport, not those who are flirting around who I usually found in public swimming pool. Love it! And the last time there, Sakti asked if I wanted to try fitness. Of course I did! And I kinda love it.

And since that day, I also become a member. Yaay!! I decided to work out in a gym which is not far from my office. So I can do my sport after work hours. For the first time, Sakti accompanied me, it was soooo crowded, full of people! Instead of working out seriously, I was enjoying watching motivated people there. Actually people said, and I agreed, fitness is just another new lifestyle of urban people. But what I found out there is not exactly like that. Yes, maybe there are some who go to the gym as a lifestyle, but there are also plenty of them, who are more numerous, who want to do a sport. Really! And just like urban people, the member are varied; the style, origin, outfit and goal.

Each member has a Personal Trainer, mine named Hasan. At our first meet, he asked me about my physical activities, motivation and goal. So we made a goal, "I want to look stunning on my wedding dress." And he noted it, very well. What we did on three days of exercise are: He measured my body mass index, the results are my fat condition is poor, my body keeps too much water in it and I have to lose four kilos. Not hard, he said. And I take it as a motivation. Lol! He also pushed me to do some exercises into my maximal capacity, and those brought me to pain for days! Really. After that three days, he make a program for me.

First, I can't consume carbohydrates after six pm. No more noodles, at least once a month, I was bargaining. Hehe.. Do the sport three times a week, at least. Ok! I'm on, PT! Tomorrow night will be my first month there, and I'm really excited to do more exercises. Being fit, body shaping, sound body, here I come!! Euh, stick with me, Mr.PT! ;)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Passions of Mine..

Human - Books - Language - Fashion - Photography - Healthy Life - Movies - Scrabble - Charming Man - Petit Prince - Poetry - Writing - Cooking - Teaching - Studying - Traveling - Swimming - Smiling - Miracle - (and am always ready to continue the list).

"Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things."
(Denis Diderot)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Aku Ingin - Sapardi Djoko Damono

Aku diam. Ku berpikir. Boleh tidak mempersembahkan karya orang lain untuk seseorang? Entah.

Aku diam. Ku berpikir. Karya ini sungguh indah dan mewakili rasa, sungguhkah tak boleh? Entah.

Aku diam. Ku berpikir. Tak ada niat mengakui dan menjiplak, sungguh tak ada niatan. Boleh yah?

Aku diam. Ku berpikir. Bukan tak mungkin penulis lebih terharu mengetahui isi hatinya mewakili milikku juga.

Om Sapardi Djoko Damono, aku pinjam puisi indahnya, ya. Terima kasih.
Kepada yang terkasih, Syarif Maulana. Kupersembahkan untukmu.

Aku Ingin

Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana
dengan kata yang tak sempat diucapkan kayu kepada api yang menjadikannya abu

Aku ingin mencintaimu dengan sederhana
dengan isyarat yang tak sempat disampaikan awan kepada hujan yang menjadikannya tiada.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Perpustakaan, Library, Bibliotheque and Us.

Ada yang baru di hidupku dan Nasto. We are now the member of CCF (Centre Culturel Francais) and LIA (Lembaga Indonesia Amerika) library, yay!! Nous nous sommes inscrites au mois de mei. Di CCF kami bisa meminjam buku dan film dalam bahasa Prancis, dan buku-buku berbahasa Inggris dan Indonesia di LIA. Dewi who is a loyal member of LIA library always join us. Et c'est toujours samedi, une fois par mois où nous y allons.

Sejak masa kuliah dulu, suasana CCF Salemba selalu mampu menghipnotisku. Calm, comfort, modern and the most important thing, I'm surrounded by books! Quel bonheur! Dari tiga CCF yang pernah kukunjungi; Salemba, Wijaya dan Purnawarman, ketiganya bertempat di rumah "tua". Not a gloomy house, but a warm white big house, so typically 80's houses. Des types des maisons que je voudrais bien avoir. Perpustakaan CCF di Salemba terdiri dari dua lantai, tempat favoritku di lantai dua. After chose the books, I take it upstairs, take a seat in a comfort black sofa, put headphone which play French music, and the world is mine. D'habitude je peux passer des heures là-bas, sauf si tout d'un coup il y a des autres visiteurs qui bougent trop. Meski tak terganggu oleh suaranya, tapi apapun yang bergerak seringkali meresahkan ketenangan membacaku. But usually there are not many people on Saturday morning. C'est pourquoi nous préférons d'y arriver des que la bibliothèque ouvre jusqu'au midi où habituellement on devient de plus en plus nombreux.

Setelah jeda makan siang dan sholat, lanjutlah kami ke LIA naik bajaj. FYI, LIA is not far from CCF, so it's really a good thing for us. Le bâtiment de LIA est grand et a l'air froid. Sungguh kebalikan dari CCF. The library is on the 4th floor and it also has two floors. Si celle de CCF est confortable et bien climatisée, ici on n'a pas des fauteils et il fait aussi un peu chaud à cause du climatiseur qui ne fonctionne pas bien, je pense. Karena itu lah kami tak menghabiskan banyak waktu di sana. Despite of spending time reading, we only look for books we like to borrow, have them scanned and go out straightaway. Et c'est des séries de Penguin Readers, mes préférés. Dan entah kebetulan atau tidak, ada dua orang petugas perpustakaan baik di CCF maupun LIA. Both of them are so really nice! Ca tellement me rend plus folie d'elles (des biblios).

Selain buku, aku pernah meminjam film di CCF. But since the time limit is only a week, I prefer to watch it there. Il y a aussi des télés qui présentent TV5, la chaine française. Pernah satu kali aku dan Nasto menontonnya. It was a quiz, arranging letters to a word. Le participant qui peut arranger un mot le plus long, il gagne. Kuis yang seru! We enjoyed it so much! Mais comme c'était l'heure, on ne l'a pas vue jusqu'à la fin.

Begitulah! The way we have fun. On aime beaucoup la bibliothèque, les livres, les films, les lettres, les mots, tous, tous!